How to recite the Quran quickly?

Hafiz, the noble title that every Muslim aspires to achieve. However, not everyone has the opportunity to memories the Qur'an and achieve the title of hafiz. This is because reciting the Quran is a big difference, and it is not easy. Without proper skills, consistent effort, patience and a qualified Quran teacher, memorizing the Online Quran Tutor is very difficult.

Many people who are interested in becoming a Hafiz seek guidance in memorizing the Quran. As the saying goes, "work smart, not hard" to get the job done efficiently. This principle also applies in this case. It is important to work hard to memorize the Quran, but mere diligence without proper guidance will not yield results. Therefore, it is important to acquire some knowledge of the Quran recitation process to make it easier to achieve Hifuz. In this article, you will get 8 tips to help you learn the Quran quickly.

1) Clear intentions

Clear intentions are very important when doing anything. Unless you have a positive intention, you will never achieve your goal. The same applies to reciting the Quran. The importance of clear and positive intention increases manifold when reciting the Quran. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W.) illustrated the importance of intention with the following words.

"The reward of deeds depends on one's intentions, and everyone receives the reward that he intends" Sahih Bukhari, Book 1, Volume 1, Hadith 1.

The above hadith clearly shows the importance of reciting the Quran Lessons Online with clear intention.

2) Consistency

Consistency is important in memorizing the Quran. No matter how much energy and effort you put in, you cannot memorize the entire Qur'an in a day or two. Memorizing the Qur'an requires that you study parts of it regularly. Take time out of your daily schedule and make a routine of a predetermined number of pages.

3) Focus on quality

Some people want to become a hafiz as soon as possible. To do this, they try to overload themselves by memorising a few pages a day. In doing so, the quality of their work suffers. The brain has its limits and you cannot input an infinite amount of information at once. Instead of reciting 5-10 pages a day and forgetting them the next day, recite one or two pages and let it stick in your mind.

4) Hire an expert teacher of the Quran.

Memorizing the Online Quran Teaching is very difficult without proper guidance from a Quran expert. The Quranic tutor's job is to guide you through every step of memorizing the Quran and show you tricks that will help you learn it quickly. So if you want to become a hafiz, do not make the mistake of doing it yourself. Always find someone who can help you memorize the Qur'an.

5) Get up early in the morning

There is a reason why people say that getting up early in the morning is very beneficial. The reason is that your mind is fresh early in the morning. Its ability to absorb and understand things is at its strongest. That is why you should get up during the morning rituals and recite the Quran at that time. When your mind is fresh, it is much easier to recite and memorize the Quran.

6) Find a place where there are no distractions.

You cannot learn anything in an environment where there are many distractions and distractions. However, the importance of a quiet place increases considerably during the memorization of the Quran. Learning the Quran is almost impossible if there are many distractions near you. Therefore, you should always look for a place for reciting the Quran where there are no distractions.

7) Make prayers

Prayer has great power. So always remember Allah and ask for His help to help you recite the Quran. Prayer and asking Allah Almighty for help gives us the strength and determination to recite the Qur'an. It helps us to get rid of negative thoughts and focus on our goal. This is why it is important to recite the prayer regularly and ask Allah to help you become a hafiz.

8) The tendency to recite the Quran online

There are many reasons why you should recite the Quran online. One of the most important reasons is that you can receive instruction from a Quran expert to help you recite the Quran, which may not be possible when you go to a madrasa to recite the Quran. In addition, you get a distraction-free environment where you can study the Quran without interruptions.


By following the above tips, you will find it much easier to learn the Quran by heart. Working smarter and getting more results with less effort is better than working hard without any direction. That's why I have given 8 tips to help you learn the Online Quran Teaching UK faster.


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